It all started with a match.com post. The year was 2014, it was a Saturday. Jenn was fostering dogs and hiding from society as you do. Deep in conversation with Winne (a dog) and Jack (another dog). She had a realization that things might get out of hand if she continued on her course of eating appetizers all weekend and fostering (read: adopting) dogs and talking to them.
Meanwhile, over them there hills, Rhys, still a young man, was considering closing his match.com account. He was a sensitive soul looking for love and some who could row a boat.
Back on the other side of the hills, Jenn decides the laziest way to interact with humanity was putting up a grumpy post on match.com. It read something like this, "About me, I am a good person who does not like hiking. I use to hike, I am capable of hiking, but I don't hike. I like boats, here are the boats I can man . . . . here are the boats I can be a helpful passenger on . . . If your idea of a first date is hiking up Snow King, I am not the one."
The minimal amount of effort expended she returned to her back deck with the dogs for cocktails and witty banter.
About three hours later, Jenn heard a ding. An alert from Match.com with the following message from Rhys, "I have a boat."
Their first date was at Snow King, Rhy brought Diablo (a dog) to suss out the situation. Diablo approved in the most Diablo way possible, he sighed and gave a perfunctory glance of approval.
Their second, third, and fourth dates included golf, Music on Main, and hip-hop shows at the Pink Garter.
In the intervening years, they fell in love, decide that they were each other's person.
Each day starts with a kiss, and weekly they both question how they could have found someone so awesome who also puts up with the other's shenanigans. And each has a good bit of shenanigans.
They have decided they don't want to have a wedding. That's right, no wedding. Don't ask.
They are, however, going on tour, a victory tour around their favorite places and you are welcome to join for unstructured good times and giggling. There will likely be a lot fishing.